Monday, December 16, 2019

Crabgrass killer - soil temperature monitor

Crabgrass has started to become a problem in my lawn...

 It turns out, the best way to keep it in check is to hit it with a pre-emergent herbicide, just before it germinates in the spring.

 According to the internet "Crabgrass typically germinates when soil temperatures reach 62 degrees Fahrenheit at a depth of 1 or 2 inches. Crabgrass preventer should be applied when soil temperatures reach 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit"

Using a combination of an esp8266-based nodeMCU microcontroller, a dallas one-wire temperature sensor, and mathworks' free IOT analytics tool Thingspeak, I am monitoring my soil temperatures, to time my herbicide application correctly.  Details of the build will follow in a separate post.

Live (every 12 hours) data feed:

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